BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Vault menu details

Vault menu details

The Vault menu contains commands that affect the entire vault and briefcases, and for importing documents in bulk.

The following table briefly describes each command on the Vault menu. Refer to topics elsewhere in this guide for details.

Vault menu commands
Command Description


Creates a new folder, work area, baseline, or document. Lists the available work area templates, folder types, and document types. Each document type submenu lists the templates available for that type. If no templates have been defined, the submenu lists the applications installed on the computer that have registered a file type with Windows. For more information, see Creating a new document from a template.


Displays a browser dialog from which you can open other vaults on the same Meridian server or select another server. You can also open a vault at an existing baseline or a specified moment in history. If scopes have been configured for a vault by a system administrator, you must select a scope when you open the vault. For more information about scopes, see Understanding scopes.

Create Shortcut to This Vault

Creates a desktop shortcut to this vault.


Lists the baselines available in the vault. For more information, see Understanding history.


Lists your private saved searches and any public dynamic saved searches in the vault. For more information, see Working with collections.


Lists the report definitions available in the vault. For more information, see Building a report.

Note    Building a report by starting from the Vault menu may use the entire vault contents as the report scope if an existing collection has not been set as the default scope for the report. This can take a very long time depending on the size of the vault and the complexity of the report definition and can degrade server performance for other users. Be sure you want to build such a report before proceeding. We recommend you only build such a report after business hours. To build a report using the currently selected items, select Build Report from the Folder or Document menus instead.

Scan Document

Scans a single document from a connected scanner. Only present if a scanner driver was selected during setup. For more information, see Scanning a single document.

Scan Batch

Scans a batch of documents from a connected scanner. Only present if a scanner driver was selected during setup. For more information, see Scanning a batch of documents.

View Briefcase

Selects a briefcase for display. For more information, see Viewing a briefcase.

Import from Briefcase

Selects a briefcase for import. For more information, see Importing documents from a briefcase.

Document Import Tool

Opens the Document Import Tool to import documents in bulk using a source database in standard data formats. For more information, see About the Document Import Tool.

Most Recent Work Area List

Lists the most recently viewed work areas. For more information, see Opening a work area.


Closes the application.

Note    Your ability to access and run any command depends on your security role memberships and the current scope.

Related information

Edit menu details

View menu details

Document menu details

Folder menu details

Work Area menu details

Tools menu details

Help menu details

Main toolbar details

Find toolbar details

Manager toolbar details

Scope toolbar details

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